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T-Mobile announces iPad
16 March 2012
The new iPad is available now from £199 on a two-year plan
The new iPad is on sale today, and you can get yours from T-Mobile from £199 on a £25 per month, two-year plan.
That's for the 16GB 3G/Wi-Fi model, and only for existing T-Mobile pay monthly customers.
The 32GB 3G/Wi-Fi model is going for £249 to existing T-Mobile customers.
If you're not a T-Mobile customer, you can get the new iPad for £229/£279, also on the £25 per month contract.
This data contract includes 1GB of data in addition to 1GB of 'quiet time' data that can be used between midnight and 10am.
The new iPad can be procured from T-Mobile high street shops or online (though you're warned to allow up to 28 days for delivery – waiting in that Regent Street queue would probably be preferable).
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Mobile Number Portability, MNP or mobile number porting allows you to transfer your existing mobile phone number from to another mobile phone operator. This saves you having to tell your family, friends and contacts your new number... You can keep your existing mobile phone number. The process is termed mobile number portability (MNP), or mobile number porting. It's quick, FREE and very easy to do - use our handy tool above to obtain full instructions.
NOTE: You can order your new phone and contract before you initiate mobile number portability. Just DO NOT cancel your current mobile phone contract until mobile number portability has been initiated (or you will lose your current mobile phone number)
Mobile Number Portability is FREE.
To keep your mobile phone number when switching to another mobile phone operator, use our handy tool above to obtain your mobile number porting instructions. Just select your current and new phone operators, click OK and you'll receive full instructions for mobile number portability.