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New iPad
overheats, complains users
19 March 2012
Early iPad adopters claim that Apple's new tablet gets very hot, very quick
Reports on The Next Web's Apple blog have highlighted a possible overheating issue with the new iPad 3. This is partially backed up by forum posts on Apple's website, with many users complaining that their new iPad
was 'too hot to touch' after less than an hour of use.
Some users reported no problems at all, but a worrying number said they wouldn't let their children handle the tablet for fear of burns. Some even suggested their new iPad was hot enough to 'fry eggs', although we reckon that's melodrama mode kicking in.
The problem appears to be worse in the bottom left corner (when held in portrait mode), and is most likely down to the larger battery, which is needed to power the dual-core CPU and sharp Retina display. If the new iPad overheats, you'll get a message telling you the tablet needs to cool down - although we wouldn't recommend sticking it in the fridge, as one helpful forum poster suggested.
We'll be bringing you a full new iPad review this week, compared against the hottest non-Apple tablets out there. For now, check out our full hands-on preview.
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