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Apple introduces iOS 5.1
08 March 2012
Fixes, tweaks and the Japanese language for Siri
If any of you are native speakers of the Japanese language, the launch of iOS 5.1 is probably a massive deal. But for the rest of us, it's just a matter of tweaking what's already out there.
The update is offered to all users of iOS 5, whether you've got an iPad, an iPhone or an iPod
touch and it's out there already - just turn on your device and you'll probably be offered the download. No wiring up to your computer and iTunes required (although you can still do that if you like).
When you do upgrade, you'll get that language update for Siri, which is likely to go down a storm in Tokyo. But UK users still have a few things worth downloading, mainly functional niggles and those all-important big fixes.
Improvements in terms of photography include the option of deleting photos from your photo stream, having a camera shortcut visible on the 'lock' screen (very useful when a photo opportunity arises), improved camera face detection (picking out all faces) and a redesigned camera app on the iPad.
Other enhancements include Genius Mixes and Genius playlists for iTunes Match subscribers, optimised audio for TV programmes and films on the iPad (louder and clearer), added playback controls for podcasts on the iPad
, some battery life bugs and the sorting of an issue that occasionally causes audio to drop for outgoing calls.
So well worth the five minutes it will take you to download. Turn on your device and it should be ready to go.
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