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Another bumper quarter for Apple
25 April 2012
35.1 million iPhones sold in the first quarter of 2012
You can probably guess that Apple is doing pretty well with its mobile devices right now, but just how well might stagger you a little.
Figures for the first quarter of 2012 have just been published, with Apple confirming sales of 35.1 million iPhones and 11.8 million iPads in that 90-day period. That brings total sales of iOS devices up to an amazing 365 million. According to Apple, that's 88% growth for iPhone sales and a 151% increase for the iPad
compared to the same period last year. Yes, those sales figures just keep on growing. That could well be down to international growth, with 64% of Apple's sales now outside the US.
Obviously, the figures are down from the quarter before, but that did include the run-up to Christmas, so probably not a good barometer of the company's health. Simply reading about a quarterly revenue of $39.2bn and quarterly net profit of $11.6bn tells you what you need to know.
Apple CEO Tim Cook certainly isn't complaining. Commenting on the figures, he said: 'We’re thrilled with sales of over 35 million iPhones and almost 12 million iPads in the March quarter. The new iPad
is off to a great start, and across the year you’re going to see a lot more of the kind of innovation that only Apple can deliver.'
That 'innovation' could include an iPhone mini, a budget iPad and of course, the iPhone 5, to name just a few things. With that in mind, don't expect those figures to drop anytime soon.
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