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APP WATCH: Spotify for iPad
gets official launch
03 May 2012
Free app, but you'll need to pay for the service
We heard it was coming, but now the official Spotify app for Apple's iPad has found its way into the App Store.
It's a wonderful thing too. The iPhone app might look a little 'rough and ready' (unlike the excellent new Android version), but it really uses that large screen and overlapping menus to their fullest. Spotify for iPad will be many people's best beach buddy when the holiday season starts, that's for sure.
In terms of those features, the app comes with Retina graphics for sharp images and rich colours for all that cover art, as well as super-fast searching of the entire 18 million-strong Spotify catalogue. There's also a new ‘Now Playing’ full-screen view with high definition cover art, easy search for playlists, users and music (all from the same view), listings of 'what's hot' and trending playlists, access to inboxes and playlists, gapless playback and crossfade, not to mention AirPlay integration.
All you need to do is go to the App Store and download it. Oh yes, you'll need a Spotify Premium account to use it too, but you can get a 30-day Spotify Premium free trial if you want to give it a whirl.
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